Government will be forced to abandon its plan to end a two-year trial of the scheme in August

...  The vote will mean the landmark Abortion Act 1967 is amended and brings England into line with Wales, which recently decided to make the scheme permanent. Scotland is also planning to do the same as part of the new women’s health strategy of the Scottish nationalist administration at Holyrood.

“This was a vote for evidence over ideology, a vote for reproductive rights and a vote for gender equality,” said Louise McCudden, the UK advocacy and public affairs adviser at MSI Reproductive Choices, a global provider of termination support, including 60,000 a year in England.

“Making this safe and popular service a permanent option will particularly benefit those who struggle to attend face-to-face appointments, including those in abusive relationships, those with caring responsibilities, and those without transport.

“Everyone chooses abortion for different reasons and under different circumstances. It is important that we can offer options that take into account personal circumstances – and that includes taking both pills at home.”  ...