We have a beta/prototype "Post to Loforo" bookmarklet. If you'd like to test it, drag-and-drop the link below into your browser's bookmark toolbar (see the bottom of this post to learn how to add it on iPhone/Android browsers like Chrome and Safari):

Post to Loforo


After you've added the bookmarklet to your toolbar, click it while on a page that has content you want to post to Loforo and we'll try to do the magic to get the right image/video/embed code added to the Create post form. Again, this is considered "beta" and offers limited functionality (for example, it will only pick 1 image/video from the page instead of letting you pick 1 or more images). It also has custom support for a number of sites like Youtube, giphy, gfycat, Thumbsnap, etc) -- for sites it doesn't recognize, it will fallback to posting a plain link to the page you're on.

Install bookmarklet in Android phones or tablets (Chrome Mobile)

We assume you're reading this page on your Android phone, with Google Chrome. The first thing you do is to make a bookmark. Then, go to the URL-field of your new bookmark, paste the javascript of our bookmarklet, and save it. Now you've made a bookmarklet.


  1. Make a bookmark of this page (Tap menu icon, click the Add bookmark icon). More information here.
  2. Copy the following code:
  3. Locate the bookmark you've just made, and Edit the bookmark. (To the right of a bookmark, tap More > Edit.) More information here.
  4. Paste the Javascript code you've already copied by tapping and pasting as URL.
  5. Change the name of your bookmark to 'Post to Loforo'.

Now, to post something to Loforo, you can click the bookmarklet to do so.

Install bookmarklet in iPhones or iPads (Safari)

We assume you're reading this page on your iPhone or iPad, with Safari. The first thing you do is to make a bookmark. Then, go to the URL-field of your new bookmark, paste the javascript of our bookmarklet, and save it. Now you've made a bookmarklet.


  1. Copy the following code (click in the box below, tap "Select all" then "Copy" in the popup):
  2. Make a bookmark of this page (Touch and hold the Bookmarks button, then tap Add Bookmark). More information here.
  3. Change the name of your bookmark to 'Post to Loforo'.
  4. Click Done to confirm. 
  5. Now locate the bookmark you've just made, and hold it to edit (or click the "Edit" link in the bottom right). In the "URL" field, clear the existing URL and paste the code you copied above into it.
  6. Click Done to save.

Now, to post something to Loforo, you can select the bookmark while you're on the page you want to save content from.

Reposted from blog